June 2021

Real Estate Investment Course

Secrets to Success in Real Estate Investment Course

A good real estate investment course or property management course teaches investors effective ways to acquire properties, manage them, sell properties, and estate cash flow models. Such real estate investing courses offer in-depth knowledge of the real estate markets, marketing properties, pricing strategies, and information related to operating expenses and real estate cash flow. You will also learn...

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Rental Property Management: 5 Tenant Placement Tips you should know

You have probably heard the bad stories of tenants who don’t pay their rent on time or destroy rental units. A bad tenant can eventually become a nightmare for property owners, as well as both financially and emotionally draining. Fortunately, learning rental property management strategies can help you create the right lease agreement or rental agreement and ensure you get timely monthly rent while...

Andrew Hunter with KEAN on You Podcast

From Basketball to Banker to Broker – Andrew Hunter Shares his Journey

We do have a special guest tonight and his name is Andrew Hunter. He is a pro athlete, basketball player. And he moved into real estate and from real estate into banking and from banking to Real Estate. Now, he is an entrepreneur who owns his own brokerage and real estate firm. And he's had an awesome career and he's going to share with us. Andrew brings us on his travels through Europe while...

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Refugee to Real Estate Mogul – Alfonso Cuadra shares explosive Insights to success.

Alfonso shares his experience coming through 2 wars and arriving in Canada, and using his skills and entrepreneurial tenacity to build a successful business. He experienced running a business during a global catastrophe 20 years before covid. Because of his successes and failures he learned the value of Real Estate and shares how he got involved and learned. Today he has over 500 units in his...

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How a 29 year old Millennial Started Investing Real Estate?

How a 29 year old Millennial Started Investing Real Estate? Jamal Newman was born and raised here in Canada but completed high school and university in the US. He graduated with a bachelors of science majoring in biology. After which he came back home and was exploring a career in health care, although he wasn’t quite sure what field specifically he wanted to be in. Jamal's mom was always...

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