4 Key Property Management Tips for Property Owners

key property management

Although the rental property is often associated with passive income, it is not simply a ‘set it & forget its business where you can expect the cash to come rolling in. The moment you buy a property and decide to rent it out, there are many key property management tasks involved to make your property a successful venture.

Key property management tips for landlords.

Here are the key property management tips for property owners.

1.   Tenant screening is crucial.

Find the right tenants for your property through thorough background checks will ensure that your rental property is in the right hands. Tenant screening can also help avoid problematic tenants that can affect your key property management goals badly. So, it makes to check all tenant databases available to ensure the specific tenant applying has no history of breaching contracts or outstanding debts with their previous properties.

2.   Property maintenance is a must, vacant or not.

The rental property must be properly kept all year round, and this includes checking the plumbing system, mowing lawns, carpet cleaning, and nearly any little thing you can think of. Such issues are often forgotten when a property is vacant or unoccupied. With effective property management, you can create a highly cost-effective system that will definitely ensure that various aspects of your rental property are carefully maintained.

It’s equally important to keep track of all necessary upgrades, from simple projects like painting the walls to complex projects like landscaping or roof replacement. Remember, potential tenants, are looking for safe and attractive properties.

3.   Don’t forget legal terms.

Key Property Management Tips

As a rental property owner, you will be dealing with many agreements or contracts regarding your tenants and property. There might be insurance claims if a tenant suffers injuries or losses. And some of these claims might leave you wondering where you did something wrong. To be on the safe side, document all your interactions with your tenants. Such records will be helpful to prove your actions legally.

It’s equally important to give your tenants the chance to review the tenancy contract documents. After all, highlighting the front page and directing the tenant to sign over a dotted line won’t be enough to make a contract legally binding.

4.   Set your investment goals

State your real estate investment goals clearly. The key property management tips discussed will not be of much help to you as a property owner if you do not have SMART goals set for your rental property venture. So, take the time to study the real estate market and prevailing conditions. Get to know the pros and cons of self-managing your rental property and choose the best property management strategy.


Rental property management is an ongoing process. By following the four key property management tips discussed, you can simplify your life, enjoy owning a rental property, and probably maximize the returns on your real estate investment. If you don’t know where to begin in terms of managing your rental property, consult with Kean Real Estate Group, a reputable property management company, to learn more about rental property management.

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